BIOFUELS- Future for Home Heating

Oil is problematic. It pollutes the environment and ultimately affects human health. For the home heating process, there have been much advancement over the years and Biofuels have managed to gain quite a foothold. Due to its environment-friendly property it has been included in a paper on Energy Strategy as a reasonable and inexpensive option forContinue reading “BIOFUELS- Future for Home Heating”

Seven Decor Ideas to Make Your Home Energy Efficient

An energy-efficient home is not just a trendy concept but something that is a need of an hour. It is becoming the new norm for responsible homes.  This concept simply means using less energy to do the same things at your home. Gone are the days when environment-friendly meant staid-looking and unfashionable products and services.Continue reading “Seven Decor Ideas to Make Your Home Energy Efficient”

5 Use Cases of IoT in the Education Sector

In this digital era where everyone is running a different race, humans need to acquire and assess knowledge. Nowadays, the Internet of things (IoT) is changing the face of every sector and so is true with the education sector. From learning to understanding IoT fall well within the education domain. The rise of connected devicesContinue reading “5 Use Cases of IoT in the Education Sector”

Artificial Intelligence- The New Magic in Insurance

From retail to manufacturing to insurance, technology is shaping every sector. In this journey of transformation Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a buzzword that has the power to change the future of business and the way people work. In today’s digitally competitive world, insurance industry has marked noteworthy progress in AI implementation. With the help ofContinue reading “Artificial Intelligence- The New Magic in Insurance”

Quick and Easy Makeup Looks For Your Zoom Meetings

We may be stressed due to this pandemic but there is still one thing that we are enjoying- our dreamy sleep… This sleep makes hard to say goodbye to our bed. Talking about myself, there is always a catfight between my morning hurdle meeting and sugary sleep, resulting in oversleep and late for a meeting.Continue reading “Quick and Easy Makeup Looks For Your Zoom Meetings”

5 Skills a Successful Content Writer Must Have

For me, writing was always a dream job but I had no one to teach me. I was not a born writer, sometimes I was confused about ideas and at times I was stuck with introduction. With proper research and practice, I came to learn that there is a specific procedure and some guidelines toContinue reading “5 Skills a Successful Content Writer Must Have”

Productive Things Children Can Do During Lockdown

In the wake of Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the government has announced total lockdown, which is indeed a need of an hour. Working folks are busy with “Work from Home”, housewives are working doing new experiments in their kitchen, and senior citizens are trying to kill their time by giving political opinions on their couch. HangContinue reading “Productive Things Children Can Do During Lockdown”

5 Ways to Blend Your Traditional Outfit with Western One

For girls, fashion stop is always Instagram. We mostly spend the whole day in scrolling the best online style inspirations as for us; fashion is love. From detailed tailoring statement to bold prints, there is no look which we don’t want to try. Even after spending hours on Instagram or fashion sites we still don’tContinue reading “5 Ways to Blend Your Traditional Outfit with Western One”

Places you should visit before you say Hello to your 50’s

“There’s always a reason not to go, but the rewards of going, and the experiences travel can bring to your life, far outweigh an excuse not to go.” Silvery light grey hair, a thin line of wrinkles on your four head, slight fat on your belly… Is this how you imagine your life in theContinue reading “Places you should visit before you say Hello to your 50’s”

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