With the increasing number of people using the Internet via smartphones and tablets, mobile app development has become a basic necessity for every business especially ecommerce because of its unique ability to access a large number of potential consumers. With the latest frameworks and new apps launching every day, the mobile application development has becomeContinue reading “MICROSOFT XAMARIN.FORMS”

5 Use Cases of IoT in the Education Sector

In this digital era where everyone is running a different race, humans need to acquire and assess knowledge. Nowadays, the Internet of things (IoT) is changing the face of every sector and so is true with the education sector. From learning to understanding IoT fall well within the education domain. The rise of connected devicesContinue reading “5 Use Cases of IoT in the Education Sector”

Is Global Warming a Hoax?

Many scientists claim that there is not even single evidence that shows humans have or will cause global warming. But on the contrary, there are statistics that claim that global average temperatures have changed and human activity is the crucial contributing factor responsible for the same. This scam is being executed to support the beliefContinue reading “Is Global Warming a Hoax?”

Productive Things Children Can Do During Lockdown

In the wake of Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the government has announced total lockdown, which is indeed a need of an hour. Working folks are busy with “Work from Home”, housewives are working doing new experiments in their kitchen, and senior citizens are trying to kill their time by giving political opinions on their couch. HangContinue reading “Productive Things Children Can Do During Lockdown”

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