Negative Effects of Deforestation on Human and Environmental Health

Forests are a crucial part of our environment as they make the planet Earth liveable for all of us. Forests are not only a home to millions of flora and fauna but they also balance greenhouse gas emissions thus playing a vital role in the carbon cycle, making air breathable and protecting against climate change.Continue reading “Negative Effects of Deforestation on Human and Environmental Health”

BIOFUELS- Future for Home Heating

Oil is problematic. It pollutes the environment and ultimately affects human health. For the home heating process, there have been much advancement over the years and Biofuels have managed to gain quite a foothold. Due to its environment-friendly property it has been included in a paper on Energy Strategy as a reasonable and inexpensive option forContinue reading “BIOFUELS- Future for Home Heating”

What is the Impact of Coronavirus on Insurance Industry?

Coronavirus has caused more than 68,000 deaths in the U.S. so far with 1.18 million confirmed cases (and more than 3 million confirmed cases worldwide). This is not the first pandemic or a virus outbreak. There have been numerous pandemics (Asian Flu (1956-1958), Flu Pandemic (1918), The Black Death (1346-1353), etc.) and viruses (Nipah, Zika,Continue reading “What is the Impact of Coronavirus on Insurance Industry?”

Daily Workout Ideas from Your Living Room

Are you a gym freak who does not have the time to go to the gym just because you have a full-time job and/or maybe have small kids to bond with when back home? Or are you some work-shy who keeps looking for excuses to keep oneself from exercising? We totally get it especially inContinue reading “Daily Workout Ideas from Your Living Room”

Effects of Caffeine over Cognitive Functions

Most of us count on a cup of coffee as a wake-up boost and to help us get through the day. Coffee is a common source of caffeine which is a natural central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that affects our body in different ways than just keeping us awake. Other sources include tea, nuts, caffeinatedContinue reading “Effects of Caffeine over Cognitive Functions”

Covid-19 Novel Coronavirus- Myths and Facts

Covid-19 (Coronavirus 2019) emerged in the Wuhan city, China in 2019, is a disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome. Now declared as a pandemic by WHO (World Health Organization), the common symptoms include cold, fever, dry cough and breathlessness.  Being a respiratory syndrome, the lungs are the most affected organs. This virus spreadsContinue reading “Covid-19 Novel Coronavirus- Myths and Facts”

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